Adult Ministries
Adult Sunday School
Each Sunday during our 10:00 AM Sunday School hour we have three adult classes that meet. Currently they are studying:
An Ordinary Day with Jesus. This study looks at welcoming Christ’s presence into every moment. Ordinary days become filled with a sense of God’s presence and can be the greatest day you’ve ever had. Best of all it can lead to an extraordinary life.
Raising Kingdom Kids. Most of us believe passionately in contributing to our children’s physical, social and intellectual development. This study calls parents and others to raise God-following children who are spiritually strong and prepared to take on the assignments God has for their lives.
Genesis. This verse by verse study of Genesis started in the very beginning of the Bible and continues through creation, to the fall of man, to the flood and God establishing his covenant with his people.
Adult Small Group Bible Studies
Adult Small Group Bible Studies meet at separate times and are designed to study a specific book of the Bible or topic.
Our Men’s Bible Study is currently studying the Gospel of Mark in a verse by verse study, discovering more about the life of Jesus and the Gospel message. It meets every other Tuesday at 7:00 AM and as we meet we take time to pray together, and then study a section of scripture in Mark’s gospel together.
Our Ladies Bible Study will be doing a 7 week study of Psalm 107 called Steadfast Love written by Lauren Chandler. This study challenges each one to face both storms and deserts in our faith with courage and trust in Jesus. Our Ladies meet Monday evenings at 7:00 PM starting October 2nd.
LIFE GROUPS: Besides our Bible studies we also strive to have Life Groups (Small Groups) meet throughout the week. These groups are usually seasonal and meet surrounding a topic or common interest to encourage one another outside of our worship times. Currently we have one small group that meets once a month at the church.
NOTE: We will be launching a Parents Of Teens Small Group that will meet at 6:30 pm on the second Thursday of each month. This specific group requires its attendees to be a parent of a teenager in grades 7-12.