Missions Outreach

At Lake View Church we recognize that all people matter to God and therefore, matter to each believer. God has called the individual and the church to initiate and cultivate life-changing relationships in our homes and community by proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! It is our privilege to financially support and partner with these missionaries and their sending organization:
Hannah Lammers – serving with CRU (Campus Crusade For Christ) on the campuses of Defiance and Sienna Heights College in Ohio.
Nathan and Lindsey Boggs – serving at Laurel Mission in Kentucky.
Amanda Choi – serving with Bridges For Peace in Jerusalem, Israel.
Marc and Alison Keeton – serving with Ethnos 360 (New Tribes Mission) in Papua, New Guinea.
Ray and Georgia Landis – serving with TEAM International in Japan.
Chloe Mackley – serving with UB Global (United Brethren) in Thailand.
Troy and Gerri Masters – serving with World Venture in Ghana , Africa.
Alex and Cristina Nunez – serving with UB Global (United Brethren) in Thailand.
John Rodifer – serving with RBM (Rural Bible Mission) in Hillsdale and Lenawee Counties.
Eric Stienke - serving with FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) on High School Campuses in Hillsdale, Lenawee, Monroe and Jackson counties, Michigan.
Rex Stump – serving with FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) on High School Campuses in Northwest Ohio, and Buckeye Border FCA Area Director.
Ben and Mandi Wood – serving with CRU (Campus Crusade For Christ) in the main office in Florida training and mentoring other CRU missionaries.
Mark and Holly Woodard – serving with Ethnos 360 (New Tribes Mission) in the United States training and recruiting missionaries for Ethnos.
In addition to the missionaries we support, we are also involved with and participating with the following outreach ministries:
Lake View Church Missions Auction - our annual auction on the first Saturday of November to help raise funds for the many missionaries and ministries that we support.
HFH (Habitat for Humanity) in Williams County, Ohio.
Operation Christmas Child, Samaritans Purse (headquartered in North Carolina).
Awana Clubs International – our mid-week ministry to boys and girls age 3½ through 6th grade.
BTW (Behind the Walls Prison Ministry) – our annual outreach event serving with BTW in the prisons at Adrian and Ypsilanti Michigan.
Community Worship Service – our annual community worship service in the big tent in Crommer Park that involves the community of Pioneer and is followed by a picnic dinner provided by the Mayor.
Annual Christmas Dramatic Musical – each year we have 3 presentations on Friday-Saturday-Sunday, on the 2nd weekend in December.
VBS (Vacation Bible School) – our ministry to the children and families in our community that is for in boys and girls age 3½ through 6th grade. It is in the month of July for 5 days!
Mission Trip to Laurel Kentucky – one week ,each year, we take a team of teens and adults to Big Laurel, Kentucky to minister to the people in the area and provide help to Laurel Mission.
Biker Sunday – Bikers, their riders and the public are invited to this special event scheduled in August which includes a special service for Bikers and friends at 11:00 AM, a scrumptious picnic lunch and a group motorcycle ride.